General Skin Care - Skin Cleansing
Soaps & Syndets
As a matter of principle, individuals with sensitive skin should avoid using alkaline soaps (pH above 7.0) for regular skin cleansing, especially with daily frequent washing, as they can lead to a significant reduction in the natural external acid lipid mantle. The application of alkaline soap preparations (including shower, shampoo, and bath products) results in the precipitation of calcium salts, carrying away natural skin lipids and further drying out the skin.

As a consequence, there is an increased susceptibility to local irritations or allergy developments, as well as a significant reduction in the natural protective barrier (stratum corneum) against potential microbial pathogens (bacteria and fungi). For this reason, especially alkali-free, slightly acidic washing substances are recommended, particularly based on so-called synthetic detergents (syndets such as Lactacyd, Sebamed, Seraman, Manisoft, Menalind, Esemtan, Softaman, etc.).