What are pimples, and what can help against acne?

What are pimples, and what can help against acne? In the morning, you look at yourself in the mirror, and once again, you discover a new pimple. There are certainly more pleasant ways to start the day, right? Everyone is plagued by skin imperfections from time to time, even in adulthood. At a certain point, they can even develop into acne.
But why do pimples form in the first place? When is it considered acne, and what can you do about it? We'll answer all these questions for you below.
How do pimples form?
Our skin is equipped with countless glands that produce sebum. This natural oil moisturizes the skin and keeps it soft and supple. However, if the sebaceous glands are clogged, sebum cannot exit as usual. Causes for this can include:
- Dirt
- Dead skin cells
- Sweat
- Local bacteria (resident flora)

These factors lead to the formation of a kind of plug in the skin glands, preventing sebum from escaping. The oil accumulates in increasing amounts, becoming an optimal breeding ground for bacteria. The sebaceous gland gradually swells, and inflammation occurs. Now it's there: the pimple. Clogged sebaceous glands affect everyone from time to time, especially if they can't consistently eliminate possible triggers. The risk is particularly high when the skin produces a lot of sebum, as is often the case in teenagers. During puberty, hormones stimulate sebum production, creating the perfect conditions for the formation of pimples.
When is it no longer just about pimples but also about acne?

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions worldwide. The cause is also an excessive production of sebum, leading to the formation of pimples, blackheads, and nodules. If these occur repeatedly, are numerous, or do not disappear in the long term, there is often a chronic inflammation.
Then it is referred to as acne. In most cases, it is acne vulgaris – common acne. It can be classified into three severity levels. First-degree acne is characterized by individual imperfections. In the second stage, these are already more prevalent, and nodules and scarring also occur. In the third and highest severity level, affected individuals experience nearly extensive abscess infestation, accompanied by scarring and nodules.
How can pimples and acne be treated?

With the right products, pimples and acne can be effectively reduced. For this purpose, we at dline® recommend our PickelEx® products Lösung-forte and Gel-forte. In both, we rely on the combination of highly pure sea salt and active oxygen.
Our PickelEx® series ensures the stabilization of the skin irritated by pimples, blackheads, and oily conditions. The products soothe the skin while simultaneously acting mildly antimicrobial and astringent. Enlarged, inflamed skin pores thus contract again, providing less breeding ground for bacteria.
Apply our PickelEx® Lösung-forte and PickelEx® Gel-forte daily, up to three times a day if needed. First, thoroughly wash your face and then moisten a cotton pad with the special solution. Apply it in circular motions to the affected areas.
Next, it's time for the gel. Apply a thin but still clearly visible film to the imperfections and let it dry. If the gel is too liquid and runs down, shake the tube vigorously and dab it on again.
If you have applied too much gel, a fine salt crust may form. Simply remove it with water or wait until the next face cleansing.
Special notes for using PickelEx® products
Our PickelEx® series was primarily developed for use on the face. Nevertheless, it can also be used on the back, décolleté, and other areas affected by imperfections. If any product accidentally gets into your eyes, wash them gently with lukewarm water. Generally, nothing serious can happen.
If you apply PickelEx® products before going to bed, make sure they are completely absorbed or dried before lying down. Due to the active oxygen, colored textiles may fade as long as the solution or gel is not dry. If any of it lands on bedding, clothing, or other textiles, lukewarm water can also remedy the situation.
Important note:
Pimples (blackheads) can usually be positively influenced by this local care. Be patient for 3-5 days to see a clear effect. Take photos of the progress yourself; this way, you can assess it more objectively.
If there is still a deterioration, please consult a dermatologist.
We are happy to answer all your questions about skin imperfections and acne and provide comprehensive advice on our products. Simply fill out our contact form for this purpose. You can also reach us by phone and email.