How to Properly Apply Nasal Cream - Here's How

When the nose is irritated, dry, and perhaps even a bit swollen, it's anything but pleasant. After all, we rely on its services every second of our lives. We breathe through it and perceive odors. At the same time, it protects us from infections. To enable the nose to fulfill all these tasks, it needs care – for example, in the form of a nasal cream.
What Happens When the Nasal Mucosa Becomes Too Dry?

The nose is equipped with a sophisticated system for cleaning and protection. Fine hairs prevent coarse particles from entering. The nasal mucosa takes care of small foreign bodies and pathogens that may find their way in.
It produces a secretion to which foreign bodies adhere. Tiny cilia transport the secretion along with foreign bodies and pathogens toward the throat. There, it is either coughed out or swallowed, and stomach acids eventually neutralize any invaders.
For this process to run smoothly, the nasal mucosa must remain moist. Various factors can cause it to lose moisture, including:
- Dry air from heated or air-conditioned spaces
- Allergies
- Onset of infection
- Exhaust fumes and smoke
- Medications
In these cases, the protective function of the nose is compromised. The mucosa swells, and the fine cilia can move only very limitedly. Consequently, small foreign bodies and pathogens can more easily penetrate.
The removal of these invaders is hampered due to the lack of secretion, increasing the likelihood of infections. Therefore, it's crucial to always maintain a healthy nasal environment and reach for nasal cream when needed.
How Can I Tell If Nasal Cream Is Necessary?
When the nasal mucosa becomes too dry, fine cracks can appear, leading to uncomfortable crusts. This often results in itching, sometimes accompanied by a burning sensation. The wings of the nose can become inflamed and appear reddened. All these are signals indicating that the nose needs support.
How to Avoid an Irritated Nose?
A dry nose is not only uncomfortable but also an invitation for pathogens. Various tips can help prevent the drying of the mucosa and the associated consequences.
First and foremost is ensuring an adequate intake of water. The human body is composed of up to 75 percent water, and insufficient hydration can have significant effects. Therefore, make sure to drink enough water, preferably 1.5 to two liters daily.
The quality of indoor air also plays a crucial role. Rooms should not be excessively heated or cooled. The optimal room temperature is between 21 and 23 degrees Celsius. Placing a bowl of water on radiators during the cold months can be helpful.
Regularly ventilating living spaces is also recommended to regulate humidity. Additionally, spend time outdoors several times a day. There, the nasal mucosa can recover from the negative influences in indoor environments.
Not to be forgotten is internal care. A high-quality nasal cream promotes a healthy nasal environment and moisturizes already dried-out mucous membranes.
When Is the Use of Nasal Cream Beneficial?

Those who frequently suffer from dry nasal mucosa can use nasal cream preventively. Its application is particularly beneficial for individuals with allergies or high exposure to dust or exhaust fumes.
Similarly, if the majority of daily activities take place in enclosed spaces with dry air, using cream is advisable, especially when the nasal mucosa is already dry and irritated.
The NaSanFit Nose Cream
For dry and very dry nasal mucosa, NaSanFit Nose Cream provides relief. With the special applicator, you can gently introduce the nasal cream deep into the nasal area without causing injuries, and by gently rotating it, evenly distribute the care cream with menthol. It soothes irritated skin and provides moisture while stabilizing the moisture and lipid balance. To achieve this, it includes ingredients such as Aloe Vera, beeswax, and evening primrose oil.
Aloe Vera is known for its moisturizing effect, containing more than 200 nutrients that promote wound healing and act against viruses, bacteria, and fungi.
Beeswax forms a protective layer over the mucous membrane and attracts water, contributing to keeping the skin moist. At the same time, it stimulates regeneration, promoting the soothing of irritated nasal mucosa. Evening primrose oil also has a calming effect on irritated skin and anti-inflammatory properties.
The NaSanFit Nose Cream can be applied several times a day as needed. Apply pressure to the airless dispenser to dispense the cream in portions. Then insert the dispenser into the nose and distribute the product in a rotating motion.
Finally, it is important to clean the dispenser and secure it with the protective cap until the next use. Just a few minutes after application, the mucous membrane reduces swelling, making breathing much easier.
Feel free to contact us if you would like to learn more about the NaSanFit Nose Cream and other products. Simply give us a call or send us an email.