Reasons for Dry Skin
The skin protects the entire body from external influences, facilitates the regulation of body temperature, and provides the sense of touch. Performing these tasks around the clock without a break puts the skin under constant stress. If it does not receive sufficient support in the form of care, it may increasingly struggle to fulfill its duties.
Challenging conditions also exist under the following circumstances:
- Chemotherapy (some)
- Some medications such as Vitamin A acid,…
- Frequent washing
- Intensive sunbathing
- Hormonal influences
- Cold outside temperatures
- Consumption of alcohol and cigarettes
- Natural skin aging
- Dry heating air
- Unhealthy diet
- UV rays
The skin then has a particularly tough battle and may, under certain circumstances, no longer be able to perform its duties without your assistance. We offer various products that allow you to provide additional care to your dry skin.
Which Care Cream is Suitable for Normal to Dry Skin in Mild Cases?

For normal to dry skin, we recommend our BL® - Basic Lotion. It stabilizes the moisture and lipid balance of the skin, reducing itching and tension in this way. BL® - Basic Lotion delivers natural moisturizing factors that preserve the skin from drying out and protect the horny layer.
Apply the lotion to your hands and massage it into your wet skin in circular motions. After about two to three minutes, it is completely absorbed, having drawn the water into the horny layer. BL®-Basic Lotion is available both with and WITHOUT perfume. We recommend WITHOUT perfume, especially for particularly sensitive, irritated, or allergic skin. At least until the skin barrier is stabilized and calmed.
Proper Care for Dry Skin

Our LL® - LipoLotion is suitable for use on dry and irritated skin. After three to five minutes, the product is completely absorbed, unfolding its entire protective and nurturing effect. Lipid and moisture balance stabilize gradually, allowing the skin to reactivate its natural moisturizing factors. LL®-LipoLotion is available both with and WITHOUT perfume. We recommend WITHOUT perfume, especially for particularly sensitive, irritated, or allergic skin. At least until the skin barrier is stabilized and calmed.
The Right Care Product for Dry to Very Dry Skin, with an Additional Effect to Reduce Itching Symptoms by a Low Menthol Content

Dry to very dry skin requires particularly intensive attention. Our CC® - CoolingCream provides it with plenty of moisture, ensuring that scaly, itchy, and irritated skin areas disappear. Even polyallergics can confidently choose this product. About three to five minutes after application, the product is completely absorbed, leaving a pleasant and nurturing protective film on your skin.
In particularly severe cases of dry skin, mix three to five parts of the cream with one part of Vaseline. CC®-CoolingCream is available both with and WITHOUT Menthol. We recommend WITHOUT Menthol, especially for particularly sensitive, irritated, or allergic skin. At least until the skin barrier is stabilized and calmed.
Also suitable for dry to very dry skin is our NCR® - NutrientCream. For particularly dry skin, you can also mix NCR®-Cream in a ratio of 1 to 2 parts Vaseline (enrich/fatten it).
The Suitable Oil Bath for Dry to Very Dry Skin
Also suitable for dry to very dry skin are our graded oil baths such as NOB®-NutrientOilBath or ELB®-ExtraLipidBath. Both oil baths are suitable for bathing, showering, or full-body washes in bedridden individuals, with excellent replenishment of lipids.
The Particularly Mild Shampoo for All Skin Conditions

This BS®-BabyShampoo was primarily developed for bathing & washing babies. It is extremely mild and does not burn or irritate even with sensitive, erosive skin, or eyes. Nowadays, it is also commonly used by adults with particularly sensitive skin or scalp for washing their heads, showering, and handwashing.
What Ingredients Are in Care Creams for Dry Skin?

Our products include, among other things, aloe vera, beeswax, almond, and jojoba oil. Aloe vera has been the natural remedy of choice for healthy and well-groomed skin since ancient Egypt.
The plant is full of valuable ingredients such as Vitamin A and E as well as zinc, which support the normal function of the skin. In this way, aloe vera moisturizes the skin, nurtures it, and helps it regenerate.
Beeswax forms a protective film on the skin without clogging the pores, ensuring that no further moisture is lost. Its valuable content of Vitamin A should not be forgotten.
Known for a high content of unsaturated fatty acids is almond oil. Especially linoleic and palmitic acids are worth mentioning. Both can strengthen the skin barrier and protect cells from free radicals.n.
Here, too, Vitamins A and E are included. They make almond oil a valuable helper when it comes to moisturizing. This ingredient also promotes wound healing and cell renewal acceleration.
An ingredient full of antioxidants is jojoba oil. This protects your skin from cell damage and helps it become more resistant. It also improves its elasticity and regenerative ability.
Thanks to the interaction of all these and other valuable ingredients, even very dry skin is supplied with sufficient moisture. At the same time, it receives a protective film that shields it from external influences, further burdening it. This allows the skin to regenerate in peace.
A Common Misunderstanding
Too often, "medically" oriented skincare is confused with decorative cosmetics. There are fundamentally significant differences. Modern skincare, primarily designed to protect, maintain, or restore a vital skin barrier, consciously avoids frequently occurring and well-known allergens. It does not follow a trend but adheres to current dermatological rules and principles. dline® skincare products also belong to this generation.
The latest findings according to EU regulations are integrated into the product evolution. This guarantees the highest possible safety against undesirable intolerances. Since 1997, this has been our credo and thus our unwavering principle. Only a few manufacturers offer their perfumed products without perfume. Perfumed products from dline® are generally also available WITHOUT perfume at the same price. Specialties in the dline® range are alwayswithout perfume.
We are happy to provide comprehensive advice on our products. We help you find the care that is optimal for the current condition of your skin. Feel free to contact us, call us, or send us an email.